
Where Consumers Diverge from Others - Identity Signaling and Product Domains

Brand Coolness - Caleb Warren, Rajeev Batra, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, and Richard P. Bagozzi

Brand Coolness (Supplemental Material) Caleb Warren

Brand personality appeal - conceptualization and empirical validation

Conflict and Compromise - Drama in Marketplace Evolution

Culture and Consumption - A Theoretical Account

Designing the Solution -The Impact of Constraints on Consumers' Creativity

Dimensions of Brand Personality - Aaker

Does Choice Mean Freedom and Well-Being

Does It Pay to Be Real - Understanding Authenticity in TV Advertising

Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Consumer Creativity in a Problem-Solving Context

Sequential Choice in Group Settings - Taking the Road Less Traveled and Less Enjoyed

The effect of perceived risk on information search for innovative products and services - the moderating role of innate consumer innovativeness

The Red Sneakers Effect - Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity

What Makes Things Cool How Autonomy Influences Perceived Coolness
